Change From Within: A Journal of Exercises and Meditations to Transform, Empower, and Reconnect by Elke Taylor. The simple exercises in this journal guide you step-by-step into establishing healthy self-esteem, self-trust, and self-respect.

In my yoga class today the teacher was sharing a TedTalk that had inspired her about our need to connect to others. She cited statistics that show we are isolating at a greater rate than ever. Part of my goal in creating this blog was to connect with others. At the time I had created my blog I was creating a new community for myself of inspiring people. As I continue to try and connect healthy people with people seeking health, I’m grateful that I have cultivated a great sense of belonging – and developed a community that I can always go to. On good days and bad days my yoga mat, yoga teacher and yoga friends are there for me. One of the other most important relationships I have developed is with my self.
If you have ever felt alone, different or that you don’t belong somehow I have a book for you! There was a time during my life transition that I was told I needed to develop self-love. I had no clue what that person was talking about.
Now I know. It’s a skill anyone can develop. Self-love is essential to live a life as your best self. I’m very excited to share this new book with you today –
Change From Within: A Journal of Exercises and Meditations to Transform, Empower, and Reconnect by Elke Taylor. The simple exercises in this journal guide you step-by-step into establishing healthy self-esteem, self-trust, and self-respect. Another name for all of this is self-love.
I reached out to the author and asked her to give you an idea of what they would be doing if they bought the book. I’m thrilled to share this exercise with you:
With a note pad and pen by your side, strip down and stand in front of a full length mirror naked. Take some deep breaths and then look at yourself. Really look at yourself. The bigger the resistance to truly looking at your body, the greater the opportunity for transformation and growth, so be brave!
As you look at your body, how do you feel? Write it down. Pay particular attention to areas your eyes want to skip over and write down every emotion that comes up.
Once you’ve written down ALL that you feel, put your clothes back on and take a look at your list. How critical or rejecting are you being of your divine physical self? Do you understand what an amazing feat of engineering your body is? In the mirror you are seeing one of the most incredible and complex forms of life, and it’s time to start appreciating it for the gift that it really is. Looking back in the mirror (you can keep your clothes on) find one thing you like about your body. It could be your hair, the color of your eyes, or maybe even your pinky finger. Write it down. Now find one other thing, no matter how small, that you like. Keep going, until you’ve got ten things on this list (or more).
If you’re really struggling with this exercise, think of a child learning a new sport—there’s the coach who berates, and the coach who encourages. Which one do you think gets the best long-term results? If you want to make any changes to what you see in the mirror like, say losing weight, you’re not going to be able to attain and maintain the body you desire unless you’re coming from a place of love. As you go throughout your day, every time you find yourself being critical of your body you’re to say out loud one of the things you like about it. Pay attention to how it feels as you say the positive thing. If it doesn’t feel genuine or you don’t believe what you’re saying, find something else that you authentically like about your body.
You know the adage, “you’ve got to love yourself before you can love another,” well, self-love begins right here.
Change From Within is now available in good bookstores and online.
Elke Elouise Taylor has a bachelor degree in economics and a graduate degree in science majoring in zoology. While researching wild animal behaviour she realised we all have six senses not five, and in order to know true self empowerment we have to embrace all of who we are. In 2005 Ms Taylor combined her academic research and empathic gifts to develop Intuitive Healing. This step-by-step process teaches people how to heal their insecurities, reconnect with their authentic self and find their life’s purpose. Her third book, Change from Within: A Journal of Exercises and Meditations to Transform, Empower and Reconnect (Skyhorse Publishing) breaks down her emotional mastery tools in a fun, easy to follow journal format.